Friday, November 16, 2012

Sci-Fi Spotlight: Win fabulous prizes

How would you like to win an Amazon gift card or autographed books and swag from some amazing indie authors?  Some of my fellow authors and I got together to put the spotlight on some amazing indie science fiction, and we're giving out prizes to celebrate!  Here's what's up for grabs:
  • Grand Prize: $100 Amazon gift card
  • First Prize: $50 Amazon gift card
  • Second Prize: $25 Amazon gift card
  • Third Prizes: Paperback copies of the following books:
    • No Shelter Trilogy by T.S. Welt
    • Autographed Clutch Trilogy by J.A. Huss + swag
    • Blood Will Tell and Breath of Life by Christine Pope
    • Lodestone Book One: The Sea of Storms (First Edition) by Mark Whiteway
    • Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer 
    • Gameland: Episode One by Saul Tanpepper (three available) and one copy of Insomnia by Saul Tanpepper
Click here for your chance to enter, and good luck!