Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Woo Hoo Wednesday: I'm obsessed with coffee

It's time for Woo Hoo Wednesday, the weekly (well, usually) event where I take a few minutes to share some thoughts about the little joys in life.

Last week, our toaster oven died, so I made a journey to Bed, Bath, & Beyond to get us a plain old toaster.  It turns out that 4-slot toasters are way fancier and a little pricier than I'd expected, but I eat toast nearly every morning, so a new toaster was a necessity.  Anyway, after finally settling on a new toaster, I also stumbled on the Aerolatte.  I'd seen it a few times and thought about buying it, and because I was there with coupons in hand, I decided to get myself one.  I've used it several times now and I love it.  Using my Keurig, I can make myself a coffee, heat some milk in the microwave, froth it up with the Aerolatte, and I have myself a delicious coffee treat.  Yes, it's the simple things in life that please me.  Woo hoo for Aerolatte!

Another woo hoo because I finally figured out how to use the birthday reward that had been loaded onto my Starbucks gold card.  Not that it's complicated, but I'd assumed it would just automatically come up when I paid with the card.  Actually, you have to tell the barista that you want to use it.  Yesterday, I had a nice Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino and it was free.  Free is always my favorite kind.

Are you sensing a theme here?  I sure do like my coffee, don't I?

I'll throw in a woo hoo for finding a TV show I love.  I'm way late to the party, but my hubby and I started Netflixing Bones and we're totally hooked.  We don't watch a whole ton of TV because we're pretty picky, so we're always excited when we find something that we like.  The mysteries on Bones aren't always all that difficult to figure out, but I absolutely love the quirky characters, especially Temperance.  Characters are always king for me, and I think that tends to come out in my writing.

Lastly, a woo hoo for my being close to finishing NaNoWriMo.  I've been stressing about it a lot because I know some people really enjoyed The Eye of the Beholder (yes, I do read reviews--they help me see my writing in a different light and give me some really invaluable ideas about areas to focus on for improvement), so I really want them to like this book.  I mean, I want everyone to like it, of course, but I want to feel like I'm really writing something great for those who buy another of my books, putting their faith in me to deliver a good read.  Writing Asleep is a very different experience because of this.  Before publishing, I wrote books that I thought worked, but now I want to be sure I'm trying my best to give my audience what they like and want out of my books.  I've always been a perfectionist, but now I'm exerting another form of pressure on myself, and it's very eye-opening.

Well, that's that for me this week.  Hope you're all having a lovely week and having lots of moments that make you want to shout, "Woo hoo!"