It's a new year, so I thought I might try a new feature. I always want to spend more time on the blog talking about pop culture, namely the books, TV, movies, music and video games I'm currently enjoying. So, without further ado, here's what I'm spending my free time doing:
Video game: Skyrim. I'm pretty addicted to this game. The danger of it is that I can set out to do a quest, spend hours playing, and never end up doing the quest. I both like and dislike the open-endedness of the game. I like that Skyrim has a huge world that I can explore to my heart's content, and I really love that I can create whatever blend of skills and abilities appeals to me. I'm the kind of person who will spend hours gathering plants so I can make potions--I know, total geek alert, right? But sometimes that game just feels so overwhelming that I have the sense I could play it for the next forty years and never finish it.
Music: Imagine Dragons, Night Visions. I picked this album up on a whim when Amazon had it for $1.99. I'd heard a lot of buzz about it and I was curious to see what it was all about. Turns out, it's exactly the kind of music I like. I have some pretty eclectic taste in music, and I like bands that explore various sounds, which is just what Imagine Dragons does. I'm only sorry it took me this long to discover them. I'd have gladly paid more for this album.
Book: I just finished Mind Games by Kiersten White. I thought it was an excellent psychological thriller with a really compelling relationship between the two sisters, Fia and Annie. One of my favorite adult genres is mysteries and thrillers, and I thought this book had all the elements of some of the best those types of books have to offer. When done well, I often find really gripping psychological tension to be the biggest page turner, and I definitely think White nailed it. If Goodreads is right, there will be a second book, and I'm very anxious to find out what will happen next.
Movie: The Hobbit. I love the book, but I thought the movie was just okay. I think it was too long--and I didn't feel that way about any of the Lord of the Rings movies. It just seemed like there was too much extra tacked on, and like the action sequences were longer than they needed to be. Still, I loved Martin Freeman as Bilbo--if you haven't seen him in the BBC series Sherlock, what are you waiting for?? And let it be known that I am officially declaring Thorin Oakenshield the handsomest of all dwarves.
TV: My husband and I are making our way through Bones on Netflix, and we're hooked--to the tune of watching 3-4 episodes per day. We're just now finishing up season 4. What I love most about the show--about any TV show I'm passionate about, really--are the characters. They are so quirky, and each of them is distinct. I know I'm invested in them because I find myself getting mad at some of them and having my heart broken by others. Plus, the science geek in me is very interested in shows about the behind-the-scenes parts of crime solving.
That's this week's roundup. Next week, I'll hopefully be discussing Les Misérables in the movie portion of the post as my goal is to go see it this weekend. It's one of my all-time favorite musicals, so I'm dying to see if I think Anne Hathaway is as good as I've heard.
When I was a kid, I asked for and got an electric typewriter as a present. I haven't stopped banging away at keys since. This is supposed to illustrate how passionately I've always loved writing but, really, all it does is prove that I predate technology.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Wednesday Roundup: Spelunking my way through Skyrim
Imagine Dragons,
Kiersten White,
Mind Games,
The Hobbit,
video games,
Wednesday Roundup