When I was a kid, I asked for and got an electric typewriter as a present. I haven't stopped banging away at keys since. This is supposed to illustrate how passionately I've always loved writing but, really, all it does is prove that I predate technology.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Woo Hoo Wednesday: NaNoWriMo is coming!
Welcome to another installment of Woo Hoo Wednesday, where I take the time to celebrate the small bits of everyday happiness that make life so sweet.
My first woo hoo goes to my decision to return The Eye of the Beholder to the KDP Select program, which allows readers to borrow the book from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library. While I'm not so fond of restricting the number of outlets where my book can be purchased, the fact is that I get more lends than I did sales through other outlets, so it just makes sense to do whatever gets my book into the hands of the greatest number of readers. I've already lent enough copies of The Eye this month that one more lend means I'll have exceeded my best month on Barnes & Noble.
Another big woo hoo goes to my serious productivity as of late. I've been hitting the 3,000 words per day mark consistently for the past couple of weeks. I'm now entering the home stretch with Phoning It In, so if edits go well, I'll have that book out before the close of 2012. I'm looking forward to seeing how readers like my attempt at contemporary women's fiction. I have to admit, I'm very, very fond of some of the characters in Phoning It In, and I hope my readers will be too!
My family deserves a huge woo hoo. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such loving, supportive people. I thank them for putting up with me when I'm in one of my moods because I'm having trouble writing. They deserve a resounding woo hoo for making me feel loved and special every day of my life, even when I'm being rather unlovable.
And, lastly, a giant woo hoo for the fact that NaNoWriMo 2012 is just around the corner! I am seriously excited about it this year. I've done it for the past two years (Contributor was the product of last year's NaNo), and I enjoy it every year. I'm especially excited this year because I have writing buddies! If you've ever hemmed and hawed about doing it, I have this to say to you: DO EEEET! Trust me, hitting that 50k mark feel like a HUGE achievement, and you'll feel good about it for months on end. If you need someone to be your cheerleader, feel free to add me as your buddy and I'll urge you on. My username there is NCiacchella.
If you're looking for something to read this weekend, why don't you pick up a free copy of Creators, the prequel novella to my Contributor trilogy? I'm running a free promotion Saturday, October 6th and Sunday, October 7th, so be sure to get a copy. I'm very excited to see what you, my awesome readers, think of it!
Happy Wednesday and may your week be filled with many things that make you say, "Woo hoo!"